What is powerapps-modals?
Building fast modals in PowerApps journey starts here!
Table of contents
powerapps-modals gives you the tool to build attractive modals in Model-driven apps fast & easy. You just need to configure the modal configuration and start calling it from your client code.
Click here to see the roadmap of powerapps-modals
Go to this link and download the latest release managed zip file, and then install it in your environment
How to use?
- Install the zip files in your environment
- Prepare your Json
"icon": "success",//warning //error
"labels": [
{ "text": "Activation Succeeded", "type": "h1" },
"text": "Enter customer name and email to submit the request to the next stage",
"type": "h2",
"inputs": [
"id": "customername", //used to get the value when the modal object is returned
"label": "Customer Name",
"id": "customeremail",
"label": "Customer Email",
"buttons": [
"id": "button-cancel", //used to know what button was clicked, retunred with modal return object
"label": "Cancel",
"type": "white", //blue //red
"id": "button-submit",
"label": "Submit",
"type": "blue",
- Call it from your script
let pageInput: Xrm.Navigation.PageInputHtmlWebResource = {
pageType: "webresource",
webresourceName: "vite_/viteapps/pages/modals.html",
data: JSON.stringify(modalJsonObject), //modalJsonObject, pass your json object here
let navigationOptions: Xrm.Navigation.NavigationOptions = {
target: 2, // 2 is for opening the page as a dialog.
width: 400, // default is px. can be specified in % as well.
height: 500, // default is px. can be specified in % as well.
position: 1, // Specify 1 to open the dialog in center; 2 to open the dialog on the side. Default is 1 (center).
title: "Record activation modal", //recommended to enter title here
Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput, navigationOptions).then(
function success(returnedValues) {
Return values object comes in the below format
inputs:object //holds the inputs and what the user filled them in with, you can get them by using the input id as the identifier
clickedButton:string // the id of the button the user clicked
for the above example you can get your inputs like the below
let clickedButton = returnedValues.clickedButton; //if the user clicked on submit button it will return "button-submit"
let customerName = returnedValues.inputs["customername"]; //returns what user filled in the customer name input
let customerEmail = returnedValues.inputs["customeremail"]; //returns what user filled in the customer email input
function error(e) {
// Handle errors
That's it :)